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Determinations Panel

The Determinations Panel (DP) is a committee of The Pensions Regulator (TPR). It operates separately from other parts of the organisation, including TPR’s case teams.

The DP has a separately appointed membership and legal support. This enables it to make independent and impartial decisions. The DP considers all the evidence before it and provides each party with reasonable opportunity to present their case. Members of the panel are not involved in the investigation process.

The DP consists of:

  • a chair appointed by TPR
  • at least six other people who are nominated by the chair and appointed by TPR

Current members

Antony Townsend (Chair)

Antony has wide ranging experience as a chief executive and board chair of regulatory organisations, and in complaints handling. He is Chair of the Channel Islands Financial Ombudsman Service, Chair of Entrust (the regulator of the Landfill Communities Fund), an Independent Investigator for the Houses of Parliament, and Chair of the Strategic Advisory Board of the Bar Tribunals and Adjudication Service.

His former roles include Financial Regulators Complaints Commissioner, Chair of the UK and Ireland Regulatory Board of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors, Chair of the Regulatory Board of the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants, Deputy Chair of the Professional Standards Authority for Health and Social Care, an Independent Review Chair for NHS England (Continuing Healthcare reviews), and Trustee and Director of South Warwickshire Citizens Advice. He was the first chief executive of the Solicitors Regulation Authority from its establishment in 2006 until January 2014.

He was also the General Dental Council’s chief executive from 2001 to 2006. In the 1990s, Antony held a number of senior roles at the General Medical Council, including Director of Standards and Education, and head of Conduct. His earlier career was with the Home Office, where he worked primarily on criminal justice issues.

Anthony Arter

Anthony was awarded a CBE in the King’s New Year’s Honours Awards 2023 for services to pensions and to charity. He is currently the interim Chair of The Pensions Ombudsman (appointed January 2024) and interim Deputy Pension Protection Fund Ombudsman. He was appointed in January 2023.

He was formerly the Pension Ombudsman and Pension Protection Fund Ombudsman. Anthony is a solicitor who has specialised in pensions since 1996. He was Eversheds LLP’s Head of Pensions from 2005 until 2013 and their London Senior Partner 2009 until 2014. May 2019 until September 2021, Anthony was Chair of the Ombudsman Association for the UK, Ireland and overseas territories. Until 2015 Anthony was an independent member of the Pensions Management Institute Committee overseeing their Accredited Adviser Programme. He has also been an independent trustee for many years and in December 2018, Anthony was appointed as a pro bono independent Trustee Director of the Action for Children Pension Fund.

Anthony has been involved in community volunteering initiatives over many years and in 2009 he was chosen by Prince Charles (as he then was) to be his Business in the Community London Ambassador for volunteering.

Sarah Chambers

Sarah is currently an Electoral Commissioner, a Judicial Appointments Commission panellist, Chair of the Applications Panel of the Renewable Energy Consumer Code and Trustee and Vice-Chair of the Greenhouse Sports charity.

Her previous roles include Chair of the Legal Services Consumer Panel, member of the CAA Independent Review Panel (investigating the air traffic control incident of August 2023), the CAA Regulatory Advisory Panel, CEO of Postcomm, Commissioner of the Competition Commission (subsequently a panel member of the Competition and Markets Authority), a member of the CAA Consumer Panel, an Independent Director of the Payments Council, and directorships in several civil service roles.

Anne Fletcher

Anne is currently a panel member and member of the Utilities Panel for the Competition and Markets Authority. She is an experienced Group General Counsel (BT plc) and Compliance Director (Royal Mail, BT plc) and was an Audit and Risk Committee member for the Office of the Public Guardian until January 2021. Anne is also a former Trustee for the Royal Mail Senior Executive Pension Plan and a former Vice-Chair of the BT Benevolent Fund.

Stephen Mount

Stephen is currently a member of the Regulatory Decisions Committee of the Financial Conduct Authority and acts internationally as an expert witness on financial reporting, corporate governance and auditing matters.

He was formally Chair of the Audit Committee of Gama Aviation Plc and several NHS Hospital Trusts and a member of the Audit Quality Review Committee at the Financial Reporting Council. Stephen retired as a senior partner with PwC in 2016, after almost 4 decades’ auditing and advising FTSE, Fortune 500 and smaller/midcap listed companies in the UK, USA, Europe and Asia across a wide range of industry sectors. He also served in a number of PwC management roles. He is a Fellow of the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales (ICAEW).

Margaret Obi

Margaret is a solicitor and former partner in a leading criminal defence practice. In 2014 she left private practice to become an independent legal consultant. Her work includes advising other lawyers in relation to investigations undertaken by the Serious Fraud Office and the National Crime Agency. She also advises international legal teams defending allegations of war crimes in the International Criminal Court and advising on disputes between states in the International Court of Justice. She is an independent Legal Assessor and Legally Qualified Chair for various statutory bodies. She is currently a committee member of the Law Society’s Women Lawyers Network with a special interest in mentoring.

She is also a trustee/director of Appeal, a charity and law practice dedicated to fighting miscarriages of justice and advocating for reform of the criminal justice system. Margaret was appointed as a Deputy High Court Judge from 2018-2024 and is currently an Acting Judge of the Supreme Court of the British Indian Ocean Territory, the Upper Tribunal (Immigration and Asylum Chamber) and the Competition Appeals Tribunal. She is also the Service Police Complaints Commissioner and a House of Lords Standards Commissioner.

Rachel Onikosi

Rachel Onikosi is an appointed Panel Chair with the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC), where she leads quasi-judicial hearings that assess fitness to practice. She also holds a similar role at the UK Council for Psychotherapy, which oversees the regulation of psychologists, psychotherapists, and various other related professions. In addition to her regulatory work, Rachel is an elected Councillor in the London Borough of Lewisham, representing residents of the Bellingham ward. In this capacity, she is an active member of both the Health Committee and the Licensing Committee. As a Non-Executive Director for the Consumer Council for Water (CCW), Rachel helps guide the organisation’s strategic, financial, risk management, and reputational strategies. She chairs the HR and Remuneration Committee and is a member of the Audit and Risk Committee. Rachel also serves as an associate with EA Inclusion (Mentoring), where she is tasked with empowering senior leaders in their personal growth and leadership journey. Rachel's current extensive experience includes serving as a presiding justice at two courts in Southeast London and fulfilling the role of Deputy Chair of Governors at the Phoenix Federation Primary School.

Previously, Rachel worked as a civil servant in the Department for Business, Innovation, and Skills (BIS), where she advised ministers on consumer policy. During her tenure, she played a significant part in implementing the European Services Directive into UK law, aiding in the removal of regulatory burdens on small businesses as part of the movement to reduce red tape. She also supported some aspects of the Consumer Bill of Rights project, which unified various consumer goods and service regulations into a single legislative framework. Lastly, over the years Rachel has worked in different capacities with organisations including Thames Water, Southern Water, High Speed 2, the Parole Board, and DEFRA.

Pauline Wallace

Pauline is the inaugural chair of the UK Accounting Standards Endorsement Board and a member of the Bank of England’s Enforcement Decision Making Committee.

She was formerly a member of the RDC at the FCA, and of the ICAEW Regulatory Board. Pauline was until recently a non-executive director and chair of the audit and risk committee of the Paradigm Trust (a multi-academy trust) and is currently chair of governors at a special needs primary school. She was previously a partner at PwC where she was head of the global financial instruments team before becoming head of public policy and regulatory affairs.

Members' expenses

We publish the expenses for the Determinations Panel Chair and members for each quarter. This includes all expenses incurred for travel, accommodation and meals etc, as well as any hospitality given to others. A separate sheet shows any hospitality received by these individuals in their capacity as Determinations Panel members during the specified quarter.

Some explanatory notes:

Expenses are incurred by Determinations Panel members in two ways. Either individuals spend their own money whilst on TPR business and then claim it back (see staff and board / panel expenses policies in our Publication Scheme) or, particularly for travel and accommodation that needs to be booked in advance, TPR makes bookings directly and is invoiced for the cost. For this reason, these expenses will be published for the quarter in which they were paid, and therefore may not necessarily appear alongside other expenses (claimed back in arrears) for the same trip.

Determinations Panel quarter 3 expenses (1 October to 31 December 2024)

Determinations Panel quarter 2 expenses (1 July to 31 September 2024)

Determinations Panel quarter 1 expenses (1 April to 30 June 2024)

Determinations Panel quarter 4 expenses (1 January to 31 March 2024)

Register of members' interests

Last annual review date: 1 February 2025

Antony Townsend



Current employment or office in addition to panel role

  • Chair, Entrust (Landfill Communities Fund)
  • Chair, Strategic Advisory Board, Bar Tribunals and Adjudication Service, Council of Inns of Court
  • Independent Investigator, Houses of Parliament
  • Chair, Channel Islands Financial Ombudsman Service

Occupational pension schemes

  • General Medical Council (pensioner)
  • General Dental Council (pensioner)

Anthony Arter


Panel member

Current employment or office in addition to panel role

  • Interim Chair The Pensions Ombudsman
  • Interim Deputy, Pension Protection Fund Ombudsman
  • Owner, Little Steps Limited children’s day nursery

Current directorships

Managing Director, Little Steps Limited

Non-profit organisations

Director, Action for Children Pension Fund

Positions on pension scheme trustee boards, their subcommittees, or employment by such schemes

  • Pro bono Director (Independent Trustee) Action for Children Pension Fund
  • Chair, DC Section Sub-Committee

Occupational pension schemes

Metropolitan Police pension scheme (Pensioner)

Sarah Chambers


Panel member

Current employment or office in addition to panel role

  • Chair, Renewable Energy Consumer Code Applications Panel
  • Commissioner, Electoral Commission
  • Panel member, Judicial Appointments Commission

Non-profit organisations

Trustee and vice-Chair, Greenhouse Sports (Charity)

Occupational pension schemes


Anne Fletcher


Panel member

Current employment or office in addition to panel role

Panel member, Competition and Markets Authority

Occupational pension schemes

  • Member, BT pension scheme
  • Former Trustee, Royal Mail Senior Executive Pension Plan

Stephen Mount


Panel member

Current employment or office in addition to panel role

  • Financial Conduct Authority (RDC)
  • Expert witness on financial reporting, corporate governance and auditing matters

Margaret Obi


Panel member

Current employment or office in addition to panel role

  • Chairperson, Competition Appeals Tribunal
  • Fee Paid Judge, Upper Tribunal of the Immigration and Asylum Chamber
  • Service Police Complaints Commissioner
  • Commissioner of Standards, House of Lords
  • Acting Judge, Supreme Court of British Indian Ocean Territory
  • Deputy Chair, Financial Conduct Authority
  • Legal Adviser/Chair: Medical Practitioners Tribunal Service, General Dental Council, General Optical Council, Health and Care Professions, Council, Taxation Disciplinary Board, Royal Institution of Chartered Accountants, Institute and Faculty of Actuaries, Chartered Institute of Management Accountants, Architect Registration Board, Social Work England, General Osteopathic Council
  • Freelance Legal Consultant

Current directorships

  • ANNII Legal Services
  • Appeal – Charity

Occupational pension schemes

Judicial pension scheme

Rachel Onikosi


Panel member

Current employment or office in addition to Panel role

  • Panel Chair, Nursing and Midwifery Council
  • Panel Chair, UK Council for Psychotherapy
  • Non-Executive Director, Consumer Council for Water
  • Elected Councillor, London Borough of Lewisham
  • Presiding Justice (Southeast London Magistrates Bench)
  • Deputy School Governor, Phoenix Federation

Current directorships

Director, Empowerment Trade (non-trading)

Occupational pension schemes

  • Police pension scheme
  • Civil service pension scheme

Pauline Wallace


Panel member

Current employment or office in addition to panel role

  • Chair, UK Endorsement Board
  • Member, Bank of England’s Enforcement Decision Making Committee

Current directorships

UK Accounting Standards Endorsement Board Limited

Non-profit organisations

Chair, Governors Middleton School

Occupational pension schemes

Reuters Pension Fund (husband)